Life in our post-modern society is increasingly marked by contradictions. We are individualised but connected through networks. We are progressive but nostalgic. We are striving for high-tech solutions and spirituality at the same time. We have a lavish but sustainable lifestyle. These paradoxes are visible symptoms of a cultural psychological basic tension.
We are living in a changing society

How do these fundamental transformations affect the way we perceive brands? We have taken a closer look at this issue in a large-scale scientific study. The results are clear:
Brands unfold their effect in a whole different way today

The traditional growth principle that still forms the basis of our economy and society. Market principles like assertiveness, pushing back competitors, a dog-eat-dog mentality, and the will to conquer – behaviours with traditionally male connotations – go hand in hand with it.
Identity fragmentation.
Lack of orientation.
Loss of control and support.
Returning to soft, spiritual values.
To a sense of community and emotionality.
As counter arguments and counteroffers to the modern logic of “always more”, introspection, mindfulness, and sustainability are becoming increasingly important.
BRAND IMPACT® Modelas a compass
for brand management

You want to learn more about our study and our findings? You want to know how you can use the SPHERES OF BRAND IMPACT® Model to make your own brand successful?
Contact us!